My Mutilated Fairy-Tale

There is a darkness filled with chaos, noise and tears that surrounds and consumes. Leaving no trace of hope or love. It suffocates those it attacks, leaving little chance of survival. But in that darkness there is a still small light. It is often overshadowed by the cloud of destruction, but has the power to redeem, rebuild and save. This is my tale of darkness, rejection, betrayal, hurt & madness AND one mans spilled blood that saved my life.

Disclaimer: All events posted are true to the best of my knowledge. I do not have the clearest memory of my past, therefore the events noted and the timeline communicated is conveyed to the best of my knowledge, as accurately as possible. The point of this blog is not to create a detailed timeline of my history, but to show you from where I have come to where God has brought me.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Hurting People, Hurt People

I often pray that God will allow me to see people as he sees them and not as I might see them. The Lord has been breaking my heart for the last few weeks. He has been opening my eyes to a hurting and dying world and reminding me of where I have come from. You see, God has done so much for me and changed me in an amazing way, but sometimes I get caught up in my new life and forget that there are people out there who are where I once was. And those people need Jesus.
If you talk to most Christians they will tell you that they want to save the poor, the drug users & dealers, the prostitutes, the suicidal, the broken & the tormented. Yet, when they encounter the sins of these people they become appalled and run as far as they can. I too am guilty of this. I am often impatient, judgmental and intolerable. But in these people I see myself. I see myself before Christ.

And then God reminds me of how he has changed me…

It was not long ago that I was the hurting person that hurt people. For so long people had sinned against me and made me so cold to any form of love or compassion. I, in turn, sinned against others and against God. The weight of it all was so much to carry. I carried around painful memories that would rear their ugly heads to torment me. I carried around the wrongs that I had done to others and the conviction that I was a bad and harmful person. Every step of the way I lied, cheated and did what I had to do to protect myself and survive (if you want to call that surviving). And in the end I was an empty, hollow shell of a person who could not love myself or allow the love of others. When you are in that kind of pain you don’t think of right and wrong- you do what you have to do to make it to the next day. Until one day you are so fed up with your life that you don’t want a next day, you don’t even want a next hour.

Sometimes, as I drive down the freeway I look at the flood of cars all around me, and I wonder how many of those people feel the way I described above. And it makes me want to cry. It brings me back to a time when I was hopeless and I so desperately needed Jesus.

So many people around us need Jesus. Yet, we look at their sin with disgust and contempt. We compare their morality with ours and determine that they are “bad people”. But the Bible says that we ALL sin and fall short of the glory of God. It is so humbling to know that a Holy God looked at me, in my sin, and sent his son to die that I might be able to have life with Him. And he didn’t just do it for me. He did it for that person that I work for that lies and cheats everyone around him, he did it for the girl who uses her body as a tool to financially survive, for the drug addict that steals, for the man that abandons his kids. God loves those hurting people that hurt people. He wants to heal them and give them new life.

I have had people ask me how it was that my life changed- my answer is Jesus. There was no 5 point plan or program or prescription. There were some believers who loved me and showed me a God that loved me. They showed me a God that loved me just as I was, with no string attached. They showed me a God who saw my potential and that had a plan for my life. And once they showed me all I had to do was surrender. Some people hear the word surrender and think “that’s all I have to do?” But complete surrender is no easy task. It requires that you give up everything. And by everything, I mean everything. You let go of all control and trust God with your life.

When I finally surrendered to God I was to the point where I could not live life on my own anymore. And that is often the point where we need to be. Most of us are stubborn, selfish children who think we can manage all on our own. It is not until we have royally screwed up everything that we finally commit to letting God have control.

As I look around into the eyes of people on the streets, in my workplace and driving in my car- I honestly feel that there are many people that are to the point of surrender in their lives- they just don’t know what to do. So many people are hurting and overwhelmed and just waiting for an answer. The answer is the gospel! It is our jobs, as those who Jesus has saved, to show the love of Christ. This love should be patient, unconditional and unfailing. It is only through the love of Jesus that we will be able to reach the hurting people who hurt people.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Love, Grace & Chick-Fil-A

As most of you know, yesterday was Chick-Fil-A appreciation day. And as I pulled into my local Chick-fil-A in Knoxville I was teary eyed at the sight of so many supporting an organization who holds to it's Biblical values. It gave me great joy to know that someone stood up for their beliefs and did not back down when asked about them- and that so many people would show their support for someone who did so. You see, I believe for too long so many of us have been silent. The longer we are silent the more God is taken out of our schools, workplaces and nation. So I commend the CEO of Chick-fil-A for expressing his beliefs, and doing so in an un-condemning way.

However, I should have known that I would wake up this morning to read disturbing reports of what went on at some Chick-fil-A's yesterday. You see, just as there are "good" unbelievers and "bad" unbelievers, there are also "good" believers and "bad" believers. We are all sinners, and though I believe many of us who follow Jesus try to live our lives according to his example, there are always the ones that you want to take your Bible and hit them over the head with it. Some of the things that come out of the mouths of so called "Christians" can just be appauling. And what I read in some of the Huffington Post this morning about comments made during Chick-fil-A appreciation day were sad and cruel and NOT what Jesus would have wanted displayed on a day that we were appreciating someone who stood for Jesus' commands.

I have family members that are homosexual. And guess what? I love them no differently from any other member in my family. In fact, my family members who are homosexual probably sin less than my family who are "straight" yet go around doing drugs, stealing, raping and molesting children. So in the light of some of the things that may have been said yesterday by "Christian" Chick-fil-A supporters, I would like to clarify.

Jesus mentions the word "Grace" approximately 128 times in the New Testiment. Not only is grace emphasized, but Jesus frequently spoke of & exhibited love, compassion, forgiveness and mercy. And this was not to the "religious", but to those who were considered sinners. Jesus surrounded himself with those who were in need of a savior and spoke life into their hearts. Therefore, our actions as believers of Jesus Christ should be the same. We were not put here to judge! That is the job of God and God alone. We are put here to be a light into a dark world. To bring the hope, peace and joy that only Jesus can offer. When you spout of at the mouth with words of hatered or condemnation you are NOT exhibiting that your life is full of hope, peace or joy. So why then do you think any unbeliever would be attracted to the way you live your life and want to come to know Jesus when you seem full or anger and bitterness to people who are not like you? We as believers cannot hold any unbeliever to the standards of God, for they are not saved. What they need is Jesus. And if we want to reach them we do so by imitating the actions of our savior and how He demonstrated that we reach people. Any other way is unacceptable to God. If you as a believer feel hatred towards a person, or specific group of people, then I advise you to examine your relationship with God.

To anyone out there who may have felt the backlash of some so called "Christians", I sincerely apologize and want you to know that Jesus Christ loves you and accepts you- the way you are. We all come to Jesus as flawed and screwed up people. But God does not see us as the person we currently are, he sees us as the person we can become. He sees our potential through him. The peace and joy that you can experience through Jesus is like no other. I can't even begin to explain it. All I can say is that he has made me a different person and given me a new life- one that I could have never imagined. And I encourage anyone who does not know him to seek him! And that means anyone, regardless of age, gender, race or sexual orientation. Jesus is accessible to ALL! There are no rules or regulations of how you have to act or behave when you come to Christ. You come to him, submit your life and he will do the rest. And though some Christians may act a fool sometimes, there are those of us out there who genuinely love the world and are here to help, love and fellowship with those who need Christ. Those of us who will show you the love of a savior without strings attached or holding condemnation over your head. Those of us who will pray for you and be there to support you as God does a tremendous work in your life!

I thank all of you who came out and supported Chick-fil-A yesterday and who continuously practice the grace & love of our savior, Jesus Christ.


Sunday, April 15, 2012

Relationship - Not Religion

Have you ever been so busy that you neglected to spend time with a close friend? Have you ever missed them?

Have you ever felt this way about God?

I recently had a baby. Not only did I have a baby but we also go custody of my step-son. I went from having all of the time in the world to being a full time working wife and mother of two. And I can honestly say that I miss the quality time that I used to get to spend with God. I miss him so much that it hurts. It's like losing touch with a close friend or moving far away from your family. I used to take for granted the extra time that I had in my life to spend with him. Now I don't. Because now, somewhere in between working 9 hours a day, driving to school, driving to the babysitters, hauling to sports practices and birthday parties, changing diapers, making bottles, making baby food, cooking diner, cleaning, doing laundry and getting everyone in bed in time for the next day, I have to now find time to squeeze in God. And that sounds horrible, but it's true. And I'm sure it is not just true for me- but for most mothers. I have went to sleep and cried because I just miss God.
Now I know he is still with me. I still pray and worship on my way to work. But I don't get to just sit down, when I want and where i want and spend time with him. It is amazing to me how I used to take that time for granted. Like I had the rest of my life to spend with him... now I wish I just had 30 minutes- alone- with silence and stillness.

However, through this I have realized that I desperately NEED God in my life. The fact that I miss him so much that I cry at night is astounding to me! It shows me how much my relationship wit God has improved over the last few years. Looking back there were many times where I drifted far from him. Times when I didn't pray as much, worship as much or read as much... and honestly, It didn't bother me. The fact that it does now shows me that my relationship with God has come a long way.

God I pray today that I take every opportunity, with every free second I am given, to talk with you, meditate on you and dwell in your presence. I pray that over this week I am given free moments to learn about you and spend time in your Word. I miss you God, and I thank you that we are close enough that I feel empty when you are far from me. Thank you for everything you have done, and will continue to do in my life. Amen

And the baby is now awake... good timing!
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